Top e-commerce trends 2024: insights from experts to grow your business

E-Commerce Trend #3: Social Commerce keeps rising

75% of users utilize social media to search for products, and it is projected that sales from social media commerce will triple by 2025, reaching the astounding figure of $1.2 trillion. Therefore, the implementation of integrated e-commerce platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest ads, remains essential to reach your potential customers.

Social media has become extremely useful since shoppers can browse products featured on social networks and make purchases without leaving the app, which streamlines the entire shopping process. They present a wide range of possibilities that go beyond mere advertisements and simplified payment and navigation methods. It extends to influencers actively promoting your products, providing reviews, offering exclusive discounts, and engaging in other promotional activities. Keep reading to discover the importance of influencers in e-commerce.

Subscription commerce drives retention

Subscription models continue to be popular with consumers, mixing the ease and convenience of automation with the “surprise and delight” feeling of getting packaged delivered (in the case of physical product subscriptions).

E-commerce retailers like it because it provides predictable, ongoing revenue.

Global subscription e-commerce is expected to reach .

From physical products to streaming services, it feels like almost any type of digital seller can benefit from effective subscription commerce. Brands can set their subscriptions apart by offering personalized options like:

  • Budget-friendly pricing options
  • Products personalized based on consumer preferences, and
  • Easy, flexible fulfillment options

Of course you want your subscription members to stick around, but remember it’s crucial that you make easy for them to cancel and manage their memberships. Not only are governments cracking down on shady subscription practices, but making it difficult for customers to break ties will cancel out any good-will you built up by making it easy to order.

Sustainability expands into reusable packaging

According to McKinsey, sustainable and recyclable/reused/reusable packaging is one of the four packaging trends predicted to grow through 2024. And despite increasing inflation, there’s a growing consumer demand for such sustainable packaging. In the coming year, we expect to see more brands explore sustainable packaging options, reducing environmental impact while also deepening their connection with customers.

A company called Boox, for instance, is aiming to make shipping more circular and sustainable by offering reusable packaging for brands, aiming to eliminate single-use packaging from the DTC world. Moreover, some brands are taking it a step further by making the products themselves refillable or reusable. Saltair, for example, encourages customers to reuse plastic pumps for their beauty products, offering refills without the plastic.

Brands that want to introduce these reusable options should market them in a way that both motivates customers and creates positive sentiment. Introducing this mission to your loyalty program rewards structure, for example, can raise awareness while also encouraging participation through incentives.

Product Videos and Particularly Short Form Videos:

 Addressing consumer queries about product functionality and design is as crucial online as it is in-store. One effective way to achieve this is through high-quality product videos. 

Videos offer a dynamic way to showcase products, appealing to consumers’ emotions and providing a more persuasive narrative than text alone. 

The digital world has been captivated by short-form videos, with platforms like TikTok evolving into powerful marketing channels for businesses.

Using platforms like TikTok for promotion will gain a substantial value in commerce operations. Users have a knack for distinguishing between organic content and overt advertisements. The trick lies in tailoring your content to suit the platform’s trends, including popular music, effects, and video themes.

Hear this: Voice search won’t be silenced according to 2024 e-commerce trends

As smart speakers and assistants become even smarter, consumers are using them more consistently.

Around 40% of U.S. internet uses use a voice assistant at least monthly. E-commerce brands must optimize their sites for voice commerce to stay ahead of the curve.

Major retailers have already started enabling customers to place orders directly through smart speakers, and more are in the process of doing so now.

Digital retailers should focus on optimizing their commerce experiences for natural language patterns. (Ask yourself: How do real people – not algorithms – talk about your products?)

And remember, voice search isn’t just about what they ask; it’s also about how you respond. Skip the preambles and keep content short and clear, or risk the dreaded: “Alexa, stop.”

Of course it’s not just smart speakers driving voice commerce. Many searches are done via smart phones as part of a blended commerce experience. Which leads us to our next 2024 e-commerce trend…

Why you need to stay up to date with trends

Understanding the upcoming ecommerce trends is crucial for anyone looking to run a thriving online business in 2024. In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying informed about the latest developments can make or break your success.

As more businesses move online, the market becomes increasingly crowded. By staying ahead of the curve, you can differentiate your brand, offer unique products or services, and attract a larger share of the market.

By staying informed, you can adapt your business strategies to align with what the market demands. Investing in areas that are growing can yield higher returns, while avoiding declining ecommerce trends in 2024 can prevent wasted time and money. By anticipating changes in the ecommerce landscape, you can develop a long-term business strategy that positions you for sustained success. This proactive approach can help you stay ahead of your competitors and adapt to industry shifts.

Attribution Models Become More Sophisticated

With the dominance of digital channels in recent years, last-touch attribution has become the de-facto standard for many performance marketing teams. However, tracking is becoming more difficult (which also impacts first-touch and multi-touch attribution).

There is also a growing consensus that these models are too limited in how they measure marketing efforts, fragmenting the complex journeys and myriad factors that lead customers to buy. Research confirmed that only 60% of marketers believe they can prove marketing ROI, while only 23% are «very confident» that they are measuring the right KPIs.

In 2024 we are likely to see more brands adopt a broader range of attribution techniques such as media mix modeling and incrementality. These methods require a larger investment in data and analytics, but when combined with last-touch attribution, they can provide a very accurate means of assessing the efficacy of various marketing streams.

Understanding the full impact of measurable elements, such as browser extensions, can also help retailers gain a better picture of their customer base and store performance.

The Rise of Social and Live Commerce

The charisma of social platforms has transcended beyond connectivity and entertainment. These social platforms offer live commerce by allowing purchases to be made directly on social networking apps and sites, which is gaining significant traction. Live commerce blurs the lines between shopping and entertainment by fostering real-time consumer engagement and instant purchases. The fractured nature of commerce across various channels has become an asset, providing diverse touchpoints for consumer engagement.

For example, a fashion retailer may partner with a social media platform to host a live-selling event. This could yield impressive engagement metrics and sales figures. The live event fosters real-time consumer engagement, showcasing the brand’s new collection and allowing instant purchases. This embodies the blend of shopping and entertainment that live commerce offers.

Know thy customer: Personalized customer service is a requirement

Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all mentality when it comes to customer service.

Consumers expect personalized experiences at every step of the journey – including customer service. Their personal preferences, transaction history, and past service interactions should all inform how you engage with them today.

In recent years, companies have recognized that customer service is a very real extension of the brand, a human face or voice that ideally represents the best of the brand’s desired attributes.

Because at the moment of customer interaction, the service actually becomes the brand.

When a customer engages with your service department, that interaction has enormous power to shape their perception of your brand. The more that customers embrace digital channels, the truer this becomes.

This customer service trend means organizations need to think creatively about how to solve for intangibles like empathy and tone of voice. They need to ensure agents have ready access to the right information, at the right time, to solve whatever issue or customer pain point that may arise – even in rapidly changing situations.

Video Content and Livestream Shopping

There is no doubt that video is dominating the online shopping experience in 2024. Whether it’s product demonstrations, reviews, or live shopping events, video content is a powerful tool for engaging and converting customers. Livestream shopping, in particular, has gained traction as it provides an interactive and real-time way for consumers to explore products and make purchases. It offers a sense of community and personal connection in the digital world, mirroring the in-store shopping experience. Given this, brands are investing in high-quality video production and live-streaming technology to create compelling, immersive shopping experiences.

Оптимизированная логистика и доставка

Клиенты хотят получать заказы здесь и сейчас, ну или хотя бы максимально быстро. Для этого нужна отлаженная логистика.

Искусственный интеллект проанализирует данные о продажах и подскажет ритейлеру, когда и какие товары будут куплены.

Так, Amazon использует концепцию предупреждающей логистики — нейросеть вычисляет, когда пользователь сделает покупку, и еще до заказа продукция отправляется в ближайший хаб. 

Также постепенно развивается доставка дронами и «наземными» роботами.

Например, «Яндекс.Роверы» с прошлого года доставляют еду из магазинов и ресторанов, а Wildberries с конца октября 2021 года тестирует доставку дронами грузов до 200 кг.

Воздушные беспилотники особенно полезны в труднодоступных регионах. Пока такие технологии не применяются массово, но они определенно будут развиваться.

Дополненная реальность для примерки товара

Одно из главных препятствий при онлайн-покупке одежды и обуви — отсутствие возможности точно сказать заранее, подойдет ли покупка и как будет смотреться.

Технологии дополненной реальности решают этот вопрос: теперь можно увидеть товар не на абстрактном манекене, а непосредственно на себе.

Раньше некоторые сайты разрешали загружать свои фотографии и на них применять наряды или косметику.

AR делает еще шаг вперед и через экран смартфона позволяет посмотреть, как обувь выглядит на ноге или вписывается ли вазочка в интерьер.

Интересны и 3D-обзоры — 3D-модели с интерактивными функциями, которые позволят клиенту «покрутить» в руках понравившуюся модель.

Например, не просто осмотреть микроволновку со всех сторон, но и открыть дверцу, понажимать на кнопки и узнать, за что они отвечают.

Пока эта технология не слишком распространена, однако она способна привлечь покупателя и увеличить конверсию, а значит, наверняка будет чаще внедряться.

Подобные решения повышают доверие пользователей к интернет-покупкам и убирают опасения в духе «ожидания — реальность».

AR и интерактивные модели превращают абстрактные товары электронной витрины в знакомые и понятные, которые можно увидеть в действии еще до покупки.

Demand for Immediate Delivery:

The expectation for rapid delivery, often same-day or next-day, has become increasingly prevalent among consumers. This trend is not confined to large retail corporations.

For instance, a recent update from Etsy now allows sellers to include weekends in their processing times, effectively speeding up delivery for customers. Experiences have shown that shorter processing times on Etsy directly correlate with increased customer interest.

The desire for fast delivery is not just a preference; it’s become an expectation, with some consumers willing to pay extra for expedited services. There are many steps you can take to speed the delivery process and meet the fast delivery expectations. One of the most important steps is streamlining your inventory management to make sure you can access all products and items everywhere. Remember that failing to offer immediate delivery may lead customers to seek alternatives that do. 


Top-15 e-commerce trends set to redefine the landscape in 2024:

  1. Voice-Enabled Search
  2. Headless Websites for Greater Flexibility
  3. The Revolution in Multimedia: Video, AR, & VR
  4. Loyalty Programs for Enhanced Customer Experience
  5. The Growing Dominance of B2B Ecommerce
  6. Leveraging Social Platforms for Ecommerce Success
  7. Retail Revolution: The Impact of Machine Learning
  8. Emergence of “Dark Social”: Navigating Unseen Online Interactions
  9. Fast-Track Commerce (Q-Commerce) and Live Shopping Experiences
  10. Strengthening Security Measures Amid Growing Cybersecurity Challenges
  11. Evolving Trends in Connected TV and Digital Marketing
  12. Tailoring Platforms for Varied Audiences
  13. Multi-Touch Attribution, UTM, and Incrementality in B2C Marketing Strategies
  14. Unprecedented Importance of Core Metrics
  15. Eco-Friendly Business Initiatives in Response to Environmental Concerns

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of e-commerce in 2024, staying informed about emerging trends is not just a strategic choice; it’s a necessity. From the integration of voice-activated search to the rise of “dark social” and the emphasis on environmentally-conscious commerce, these trends will shape the future of online business. Embracing these shifts positions businesses as leaders in their respective industries, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities that lie ahead. In this ever-evolving digital era, adaptability and a proactive approach to e-commerce trends in 2024 are the keys to sustained success. For businesses eyeing expansion, particularly in Europe, understanding the nuances of fulfillment in Europe becomes pivotal for a seamless and successful international presence. Moreover, investing in strategically located warehouses in Europe is crucial for optimizing supply chain efficiency and meeting the growing demands of the European market. Establishing fulfillment centers in Europe allows businesses to efficiently distribute products across the continent, reducing shipping times and providing a seamless experience for customers.

Что будет с акциями ритейлеров в 2024 году и какие бумаги в фаворитах

Компании потребительского сектора с начала 2023 года подорожали на 53%, а бумаги крупнейших ритейлеров – X5 Retail Group (2 057 рублей за депозитарную расписку) и «Магнита» (6 300 рублей за акцию, капитализация – 642 млрд рублей) – на 40–45%, отмечает Буйлакова. Также впечатляющий рост показали акции OZON (2 717 рублей за депозитарную расписку), цена которых удвоилась за этот период. Такая динамика отражает восстановление после прошлогодней просадки, операционную стабильность ритейлеров за счет фокуса на внутреннем рынке, поясняет аналитик.

Несмотря на зрелость рынка ритейла, у отдельных его игроков есть факторы для развития бизнеса и роста котировок, считает Буйлакова. Например, крупнейшие федеральные сети могут демонстрировать более высокие темпы роста, чем рынок, за счет покупки региональных торговых сетей («Лента» купила сеть «Монетка», X5 Retail Group – «Гроздь» и «Тамерлан»).

Если говорить о e-commerce, то, по словам Буйлаковой, можно отметить бумаги OZON. Компания может продолжить расширять свою логистическую инфраструктуру, выходя в менее населенные регионы, где традиционная розница представлена более широко, чем в мегаполисах, добавляет аналитик.

Еще один фактор, который может поддержать бумаги потребительского сектора в 2024 году, – это дивиденды, отмечает Буйлакова. «Магнит» уже объявил выплаты за 2022 год, а объявление о дивидендах за 2023-й может пройти в первой половине следующего года, считает она. X5 Retail Group и FixPrice (297,4 рубля за расписку) также могут выплатить дивиденды, если решат вопрос с редомициляцией, добавляет аналитик.

OZON пока не выплачивает дивиденды, но в случае объявления о его «переезде» в Россию бумаги могут получить поддержку со стороны инвесторов. Кроме того, онлайн-сегмент, в частности маркетплейсы, остается самым быстрорастущим направлением розничной торговли в России, добавляет Михайлин.

«В то же время показать такой впечатляющий рост, который показали акции в текущем году от низкой базы, будет сложно: бумаги «Магнита», X5 Retail Group и OZON торгуются дороже, чем в начале 2022 года», – считает Буйлакова.

Михайлин также перечисляет среди своих фаворитов X5 Retail Group, «Магнит» и OZON. Белевский добавляет в свой топ акций ритейлеров также бумаги «НоваБев Групп» (стоимость акции – 4 979 рублей, капитализация – 78,7 млрд рублей), которой принадлежит сеть розничных магазинов «ВинЛаб» (более 1 500 точек).

По его мнению, за счет диверсификации форматов розничной торговли и роста сегмента интернет-торговли эти компании смогут получить наибольшую выгоду во всех вариантах развития экономической ситуации. Белевский рекомендует инвестировать в «НоваБев», «Магнит» и X5 Retail Group на один – три года, а потенциал роста бумаг этих компаний может составить 20–25%.

С помощью сервиса Банки.ру вы можете также подобрать вклад или накопительный счет, узнать больше про ситуацию на рынке металлов, валюты и недвижимости.

Статистика электронной торговли 2024

  • Розничные онлайн-покупки: в 20.8 году 2023% розничных покупок были совершены онлайн.
  • Рост продаж электронной коммерции: В 10.4 году продажи электронной коммерции выросли на 2023%.
  • Глобальный рынок электронной коммерции: В 6.3 году мировой рынок электронной коммерции составил 2023 триллиона долларов.
  • Рынок электронной коммерции США: В 1.1 году объем продаж рынка электронной коммерции США превысил 2023 триллиона долларов.
  • Розничные онлайн-покупки в США: в 16.4 году 2023% розничных покупок в США были совершены онлайн.
  • Доля рынка Amazon: Amazon занимала 37.8% продаж электронной коммерции.
  • Самые посещаемые сайты электронной коммерции: Walmart, eBay и AliExpress были самыми популярными сайтами электронной коммерции.

Статистика мобильной электронной коммерции

  • Использование смартфона для онлайн-покупок: 91% людей используют смартфоны для покупок в Интернете.
  • Продажи мобильной коммерции: Продажи мобильной коммерции в 6 году составили 2023% от всех розничных продаж.
  • Рост продаж мобильной коммерции: Продажи мобильной коммерции в 360 году составили более 2021 миллиардов долларов и значительно выросли к 2025 году.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a promotional method that often is the go-to option for eCommerce businesses that are looking to attract new customers.

These days, an average person is less likely to trust a business. Instead, they follow various influencers on social media. Influencer marketing would not be a thing if these personalities could not promote various goods and services to their audiences.

The overall trend can be described as one where other, more traditional marketing methods are losing to influencers. 

Someone with direct contact with their audience can do more good for a brand than PPC campaigns or SEO. The latter, in particular, requires a while to take effect. It is a good investment, but if a business is looking to succeed right away, it will go for the most efficient method. And at the moment, that method is influencer marketing. 

Since there are so many different platforms, ranging from Facebook and Instagram to YouTube and Twitch TV, finding the right influencer should not be a problem, even for those in very small niches.

Not to mention the presence of micro-influencers who have fewer followers and are cheaper but still offer a lot of value.

Same-Day & Same-Hour Delivery

Speed matters. One of the biggest problems with online shopping has arguably been waiting days for products to arrive. In recent years, we’ve really managed to get this down. We live in a world where a 3-day delivery period is now seen as unusually slow.

Quick Commerce – or Q-commerce for the cool kids amongst us – takes a number of forms, as different products have different expectations. The average customer can wait 24 hours for their new sofa to arrive, but that’s out of the question for a pizza.

For the latter there are a couple of means – either investing heavily in your own delivery infrastructure or making the most of third-party solutions in every region –  to get small deliveries down to 30 minutes. Parcel lockers, similarly, can get other deliveries down to a day or two, with the added benefit of convenience on the customer’s time.

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The Hybrid Customer Journey

Combining online and offline touchpoints gives rise to a hybrid customer journey. The omnichannel approach is no longer just a buzzword but an absolute must for success in the retail industry. Consumers seek seamless interactions, whether that’s in-store or online. Retailers are highly skilled at blending the digital with the physical.

Amazon is significantly expanding its physical retail footprint alongside its dominant online platform. By the end of 2024, it plans to open 260 cashierless locations in the UK alone. This expansion into physical retail aims to create a hybrid shopping journey for customers, blending the ease of online shopping with the tangible experience of in-store shopping​.

By leveraging real-time data and AI technology, retailers are bridging the digital-physical divide, adapting to external pressures, and enhancing customer engagement. By doing so, they are poised to redefine retail and ecommerce landscapes in the coming year and drive operational efficiencies in hybrid customer journeys.

E-Commerce Trend #4: Influencers are here to stay

Research indicates that 60% of content created by influencers achieves higher engagement and exceeds branded posts. In addition, 80% of consumers have made purchases based on influencer recommendations. The reason behind this is that influencers often have a dedicated and engaged audience who trust their opinions. When influencers endorse products, it adds an authentic and personal touch that resonates with consumers, fostering trust in the brand and its offerings.

Influencers stand out in creating visually appealing and engaging content. Leveraging their creative skills not only ensures high-quality content but also saves time and resources for companies that may struggle with content creation. Different influencers target specific niches and demographics. By collaborating with influencers relevant to your brand’s target audience, e-commerce companies can engage in highly targeted marketing, ensuring that your products reach the right consumers.

Шоу-румы: сложности и особенности в организации

Открытие шоу-рума сродни созданию новой модели торговой точки. Флагманский магазин (как вариант шоу-рума), к примеру, представляет собой пространство, где клиент может познакомиться с ценностями бренда, его миссией и, конечно, продуктовой линейкой. Цель такого радикального преобразования: меньше товаров в магазине и, соответственно, большая покупательская потребность в приобретении товара.  

Такая трансформация несёт за собой последствия как для кадрового ресурса, так и для организации пространства магазина. 

  • Компании станут использовать большую часть своего персонала для работы с клиентами и сократят рабочую силу в зонах технического обслуживания 
  • Продавцов заменят консультанты, задачей которых станет предоставление клиентам впечатлений и положительного опыта от посещения торговой точки  
  • Кассовые аппараты постепенно уйдут в прошлое, покупки будут совершаться  с мобильных устройств в режиме онлайн 

Тренды, которые сейчас можно наблюдать на Американском рынке, являются доказательством грядущих изменений в процессе розничных продаж во всём мире. Задача компаний сейчас состоит в том, чтобы успешно преобразовать, трансформировать свою модель ведения бизнеса с прицелом на онлайн продажи для извлечения максимальной выгоды в будущем.

Source image à la Une : Pixabay – Mohamed_Hassan

Retail media provides retailers a path to profitability

Retail media is projected to reach $176 billion by 2028, surpassing advertising spend on TV. By enabling retailers to monetize their site traffic through sponsored ads, retail media enables retailers to unlock new revenue sources with margins of up to  70-90%. In 2024, retail media will continue to provide both brands and marketplace sellers with unparalleled access and visibility to relevant audiences. Marketplaces in particular will play a large role in the expansion of retail media as third-party sellers are keen on increasing the discoverability of their products and reaching new customers through retail media platforms offering measurable results.

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